Poll: Most locals will stay inside

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, June 16, 2010

By David Vitrano


LAPLACE – Summertime heat is here to stay. Although occasional showers may bring the heat index below 100, residents of Southeast Louisiana know that once the mercury rises to the levels it has recently, natural relief is many months away.

Because of this, many locals have developed their own rituals for staying cool during the summer months, and that was the topic of L’Observateur’s online poll question last week — “With temperatures lingering in the upper 80s and 90s and unlikely to let up anytime soon, what is your favorite way to beat the summertime heat?”

It seems by far the most popular way for River Parishes residents to stay cool is to just avoid the heat in the first place. Almost two-thirds of poll respondents said they like to beat the heat by staying indoors, where air conditioning is king.

Swimming or other water-related activities and eating or drinking something icy came in distant seconds as local heat-beaters. Each garnered just over one-tenth of the votes.

Rounding out the top choices, just 8 percent of folks said they like to visit cooler climates during the summer months.

Lastly, almost 5 percent of voters said they actually like the sweltering temperatures of summer.

A full breakdown of responses follows:

• 62 percent of respondents chose “Staying in the air conditioning.”

• 11 percent of respondents chose “Swimming or other water-related activities.”

• 11 percent of respondents chose “Eating or drinking something cool like a snoball.”

• 8 percent of respondents chose “Take a trip to a cooler climate.”

• 4 percent of respondents chose “Other.”

• 4 percent of respondents chose “I like the heat.”