Remember those who gave their lives

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, June 1, 2010

“Memorial Day, originally called Decoration Day, is a day of remembrance for those who have died in our nation’s service.”

Let us never take for granted our service people who fought to secure our freedoms. Let us never forget that while we are sleeping in or shopping or barbecuing, there are still service men and women facing uncertainty and risking their very lives so that we may continue to enjoy these endeavors.

This Memorial Day, as we take note of the red, white and blue, let us never forget to remember those who sacrificed their lives in the service of our country.

This is a poem that I read a long time ago as a young child that I never forgot.

The Unknown Soldier

by Roger J. Robicheau

You need not ever know my name

This unknown soldier seeks no fame

I’m here to bring out thought from you

May your heart see more than your view

America, we marched with pride

We gave our life, for you we died

How well we knew the time might come

When life could sound that final drum

Please think of us as life moves on

We tried so hard till that last dawn

Do let our spirit fill the land

Pass treasured freedom, hand to hand

God blessed this country with such love

Hold in your heart, abundance of

And when you stand before my grave

Think not of one, but each who gave

Michael Heath is president of the St. John Professional Fire–

fighters Association.