Hurricane season officially began June 1. What have you done to prepare for the possibility of a storm?

Published 10:00 am Tuesday, June 1, 2010

c4ac4f92-63c0-11e1-842c-001cc4c0325c I have bought a generator in case of a power failure. 12
c4ac5028-63c0-11e1-842d-001cc4c0325c I have made hurricane survival kits. 2
c4ac50aa-63c0-11e1-842e-001cc4c0325c I have planned out evacuation routes. 1
c4ac5118-63c0-11e1-842f-001cc4c0325c I have filled bottles with water and have them in my freezer. 2
c4ac5186-63c0-11e1-8430-001cc4c0325c All of the above. 11
c4ac51fe-63c0-11e1-8431-001cc4c0325c I have put some money aside for gas, lodging and food during evacuations. 3
c4ac526c-63c0-11e1-8432-001cc4c0325c None of the above. 24