St. James Schools present ‘Dreams Really Do Come True’

Published 12:00 am Saturday, April 24, 2010

The St. James Parish Public Schools 2010 Spring Theatrical Production is titled “Dreams Really Do Come True.” Viewers will find a culmination of student/teacher effort in the singing, dancing, drama, media and set design for a revue of best-loved Disney favorites. This production highlights an array of talent throughout our school system from elementary to senior high.

Show dates are set for Wednesday, April 28, and Thursday, April 29 at the Science and Math Academy, located at 3125 Valcour Aime Street, La. Hwy. 18, Vacherie. Morning performances will begin at 10 a.m. for Elementary Schools.

Only one evening performance will be offered to the community and general public beginning at 7 p.m. on Thursday, April 29. The ticket cost of the evening performance is $10 to everyone above age 7 and may be obtained through a cast member, student services at respective high schools, and SMA. Due to limited space at the SMA facility, providing ticket sales at the door can not be guaranteed.