Enjoy the prom without the use of alcohol

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, April 7, 2010

This time of year is exciting in many ways. Spring is here, baseball is in high gear, and it’s the end of another school year.

This is also the time when high school juniors and seniors have their annual prom. The dictionary defines a prom as a ball or dance, one given by a college or school class. I’m amazed how these school functions have gotten out of hand and with most of the parents consenting.

Years ago, these activities took place in the school gym, and the students took part in the planning and decorating. It was a time to celebrate and get together for the last time before graduation.

The proms today are usually held out of town, and couples rent limousines to take them to the dance. (It’s easier to drink in a limousine.)

Many students, with the permission of their parents, rent hotel rooms after the dance. I’ve had a few parents tell me they prefer this than having their children drive home drunk. Why do we give them permission to get drunk?

How sad that we allow these things to go on and not take a strong stand against drinking!

I’m glad to report that a few schools, with the encouragement of parents, have taken action to have safe, alcohol-free after-prom parties.

A few years ago, St. Charles Catholic High School started what has now become a tradition. Riverside Academy held their first after-prom party last year.

Students voluntarily go back to their school at 1 a.m., play games and have fun until 4 a.m. Parents supervise the activities and prizes donated by the school, parents and local businesses are awarded. Students who attend testify that they never had so much fun!

The students who will carry the fondest memories into the future are those who celebrate sober with families and friends. Please don’t let alcohol or illegal drugs rob you from enjoying something you have worked so hard to accomplish.

If you have any questions or comments, please write to Get High on Life, P.O. Drawer U, Reserve, LA 70084, call (985) 652-8477, or e-mail: hkeller@comcast.net.