L’ Observateur’s ONLINE POLL

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, March 17, 2010

By David Vitrano


LAPLACE – It seems just about everybody and every business is getting in on the social media game. No longer just the domain of teens, Web sites such as Facebook and Twitter have recently seen their popularity grow to the point businesses and politicians can often be heard to tell potential customers or voters to follow them on the sites.

Yet, even as the popularity of these sites explodes, some remain adamant in their opposition to computer-based socializing. As such, last week L’Observateur asked its readers “Social media Web sites such as Facebook and Twitter have become all the rage. What is your opinion of such sites?”

Garnering one-third of the votes, more people said they are a huge waste of time, a fact many employers will attest to. Those answers comprised nearly half of the responses from those who said they either did not use the site or did not know what the sites were.

At the other end of the spectrum, of the nearly 40 percent of those who said they used the sites, over a quarter of those admitted to being social media addicts.

Next week’s question: The brackets for the NCAA basketball tournament were recently announced. Which team do you think has the best chance of going home with a title?