The day after Fat Tuesday, known as Ash Wednesday, marks the beginning of Lent, the 40-day period of repentance that precedes Easter Sunday. It is traditional to give something up during this time. What are you giving up for Lent?
Published 6:00 am Thursday, February 18, 2010
c4a3c3b8-63c0-11e1-83da-001cc4c0325c | Drinking alcohol | 2 |
c4a3c458-63c0-11e1-83db-001cc4c0325c | Smoking | 0 |
c4a3c4da-63c0-11e1-83dc-001cc4c0325c | Eating sweets/junk food | 7 |
c4a3c552-63c0-11e1-83dd-001cc4c0325c | Other | 4 |
c4a3c5d4-63c0-11e1-83de-001cc4c0325c | Nothing | 12 |