Lewis key for Rams this season

Published 12:00 am Friday, October 30, 2009

From game to game, no matter the situation, you can always count on hustle and determination from West St. John’s Talar Lewis on the volleyball floor.

Lewis, a senior, just completed her final season for the Rams. The team’s setter, she led both by example and through her words.

“When some of our kids made mistakes, Talar had a way of taking them and saying ‘Hey, do it this way. It’ll work better this way,’” said West St. John coach Valerie Gauthier. “She was able to do that without yelling, but instead being very constructive.”

Gauthier said that early in the season, Lewis had some technical issues when setting that she worked tirelessly on and corrected.

Moreover, the coach could always count on her best effort.

“I can honestly say that she never stopped,” said Gauthier. “She’s such a hard worker. She was ready every practice, and ready to play every game.”

What do you enjoy most about playing volleyball? I enjoy playing volleyball because it’s fun and a good experience for me.

What do you like best about being a student-athlete? I love being an student athlete because I get recognized more. People see me as a role model for the younger athletes that are coming up to be or those wanting to be a athlete.

Do you feel an added responsibility of being a role model as a student-athlete? Yes. People look for me to set examples for the younger athletes that are coming up. I do my job, keep the positive attitude on and off the court and keep them focused.

Most memorable game? My most memorable game was my senior night. As a team, we played with our hearts, knowing it was our last game all together. I, as a senior, must say we never played like that before. We lost but we also played like a team and fought till the end.

Who has been the most influential person in your school sports career? Well my parents support me all the way, my family, and boyfriend. But my coach Stacy Bradford pushes me a lot. I have been running track since eighth grade and he have been there since then.

Who is your favorite athlete? My favorite athlete is a inspirational young lady. Her name is Ivory Latta. I like her because she is short like me, but her success lets you know doesn’t matter if you’re tall or you‘re short, if you put your mind to it you can do it.

Favorite team? My favorite volleyball team is LSU. They remind me of WSJH volleyball girls.

Favorite School subject? English and Business classes

Plans after high school/college major? To get my degree in business but I also want to try p-tec and own my own hair salon.

Favorite movie/TV show/actor-actress?

My favorite movie is Lock Down, favorite TV show is Jeff Dunan, actor is Will Smith and actress is Jada Smith.

Favorite type of music? I listen to gospel, R&B, and rap but my favorite is bounce music.

Favorite food? My favorite food is Red Beans and Fried Fish or Hot Wings

Best vacation? I have been on a lot of vacations but my best one came during Hurricane Gustav in Georgia. It was suppose to be a painful situation people would say, thinking about not coming back to our homes. We made it fun and thought nothing of the hurricane, it was like a regular vacation. Everything else was in God’s hands.

Best thing about living in St. John Parish? That we have close community

Hobbies: Playing sports, talking on the phone with my boyfriend, and enjoying my time with family and friends.

Parents: Gary Allen & Carmen Gordon Lewis