LaPlace home prepared for winter months

Published 12:00 am Friday, October 30, 2009

By David Vitrano


LAPLACE – In recognition of National Weatherization Day, which was Friday, Entergy Louisiana teamed up with the St. John Department of Health and Human Services to help one LaPlace resident get his home ready for the winter months.

Clarence Smith, who previously had a new energy-efficient air conditioning unit installed in his home, on Thursday had a new hot water heater installed along with weather stripping, caulking and other minor home repairs to make his home retain its temperature no matter what the weather is like outside. He also had his light bulbs replaced with money-saving compact fluorescent light bulbs.

The work was funded in part by an $800 donation from Entergy.

Smith was chosen to receive the weatherization help by the Department of Health and Human Services.

“While we promote weatherization throughout the year, National Weatherization Day gives us a great opportunity to tell our customers about the benefits that come from weatherizing their homes,” said Sheila Butler, customer service manager for St. John and St. James parishes. “Many of the things we are doing today are simple and can help any of our customers conserve energy and save money on their monthly electric bills.”

In addition to Smith’s home, Entergy Louisiana was working with local agencies to provide similar services to seven other residences across the state.

National Weatherization Day was created by the U.S. Department of Energy to help raise awareness about the importance of both commercial and residential weatherization projects.