With the recent scandals involving former St. John Parish President Bill Hubbard and Former Mandeville Mayor Eddie Price, political corruption has been all over the headlines. Why do you think corruption is so prevalent in the political sphere?

Published 11:00 am Tuesday, October 27, 2009

c49ad172-63c0-11e1-838f-001cc4c0325c It is the nature of those who seek political power. 15
c49ad24e-63c0-11e1-8390-001cc4c0325c Once gaining office, temptations are many and cause elected officials to stray. 21
c49ad2d0-63c0-11e1-8391-001cc4c0325c The dealings of the private sector do not translate to the political sector, so officials get into trouble. 7
c49ad348-63c0-11e1-8392-001cc4c0325c Voters do not choose the correct person for the job. 40