St. Charles man arrested for tryst with teen

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, September 22, 2009



HAHNVILLE – A 31-year-old Des Allemands man was jailed Thursday on charges of carnal knowledge of a juvenile after he allegedly had sex with a 14-year-old girl, said a spokesman for the St. Charles Sheriff’s Office.

Timothy P. Lee, of 124 Crochet Lane, was arrested on a warrant that was issued Sept. 16, said Capt. Pat Yoes, a public information officer for the Sheriff’s Office. Yoes said the warrant was in response to a complaint to the Sheriff’s Office from the girl’s mother, who said the incident occurred sometime earlier in the month.

Yoes said no other information about the incident was available.

Lee was booked into the Nelson Coleman Correctional Facility in Killona and is being held on a $75,000 bond.