Drama team at Hahnville High puts on ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Hahnville High School’s newly chartered International Thespian Society will transport audiences to the world of William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, the classic comedy of would-be lovers and “wannabe” actors lost in the woods amidst a magical, dream-like world of mischievous fairies and their meddling schemes.  

The play will be presented October 22 and 23rd at 7pm, with a matinee on October 26 at 2 p.m., all in the newly renovated HHS Auditorium. Admission is $5, with proceeds going toward the all-school Spring Musical, a first in several years, and other Drama Club activities. Donations of larger amounts will be accepted at the door with gracious thanks.

 Love is different things to different people, according to the play’s central message, and love may affect us in any number of ways, depending on where we are in our lives. Similarly, “there are students at HHS whose love of performing is evident and much stronger than other passions and interests,” said Talented Theatre teacher, Daniel Ruiz. “So, I decided to create an after-school group to honor those students and give them more opportunities for performance.”

Much like the young lovers in Midsummer, the students chosen to lead this new group seem to be enchanted by powers greater than we know or understand, Ruiz said. Due to their commitment to excellence in theatre, twelve students were formally inducted into the HHS chapter of the International Thespian Society, the national theatrical honor fraternity.  Andrew Allemand, Megan Barrios, J. Michael Bell, Richard Carbo, Bethany Eppling, Ellie Hoggard, Candice LaRosee, Chase Petit, Matthew Petit, Courtney Rachal, Arthur Schexnaydre, and Dillon Tauzin will lead the school’s Drama Club and serve as models for discipline, commitment, and leadership.

HHS just joined the ITS family this year, and the twelve honorees will serve as the charter members of Troupe #7313 with Michael Bell as President, Courtney Rachal as Vice President, Megan Barrios as Secretary, and Bethany Eppling as Treasurer/Scribe.