Published 12:00 am Wednesday, July 16, 2008
MAY 19, 2008 TO MAY 23, 2008
Devon Road 122 by Gloria M. Johnson Bourgeois to Drena Ann Bourgeois Beck, $180,000.00.
Lot # 8, Square B, LaPlace Heights Subdivision by Campbell Partners, LLC to Leslie Fremin Anderson, $30,000.00.
Roccaforte 605, by Chad W. Ryan to Paul C. Labiche, III, $126,900.00.
Rue St. James110 by Opal Keith Williams to Connie Loftis Kurz-Mabry and Grafton Mabry, $110,00.00.
Lot #31 St. Martin Subdivision by Faith Builders, LLC to Bruce E. Young and Charlene Stemley Young, $12,000.00.
MAY 27, 2008 TO MAY 30, 2008
Moss Drive 44 by Karen Kochmit Taylor, wife of /and Victor Wayne Taylor to Jamie Michelle Williams, $159,000.00.
Riverlands Drive 175 by Quincy Homes, LLC to Gerard L. Fontenot and Cynthia G. Fontenot, $347,800.00.
Magnolia Avenue 508 by Gail A. Babineaux, Jr., to Andrew D. Rodriguez-Del-Rey and Sara K. McElroy, $129,900.00.
Ridgefield Drive 1105 by Konrad Pirog to Francisco A. Rodriguez, $149,000.00.
Chartres Court 115 by Marcia Ann Newton to Thi Kim Vo, $195,900.00.
Cambridge Drive 1713 by Deutsche Bank Naional Trust Company, as Trustee of Argent Mortgage Securities, Inc., to Frances Williams, $123,200.00.
Country Club Drive 2269 by Deutsche Bank National Trust Company to Matthew Scott Monica and Adrienne Charise Albares, $166,000.00.
Lot 23, the Grove Subdivision, Phase 2A by St. Martin Homes, LLC to Mary Virginia O’Connor, $162,000.00.
West Jolliet Court 405 from Landcraft, Inc. to Darcey Cambre, wife of /and Brian David Delatte, $376,000.00.
Colonial Drive 2132 by Christoper W. Guillotte Amy Webre Guillotte to Daniel H. Seymour, $161,000.00.
Unit #33 Woodland Villa’s Condominiums, 501 Indigo Parkway, from Landcraft, Inc. to Brandy N. Nicholas and Sarah J. Spruill, $128,440.00.
Grove Park 197 from St. Martin Homes, LLC to Marilyn Rush Watkins, $142,990.00.
Oak Arbor Drive 108 by Sirva Relocation, LLC to Renell King Manuel and husband Errol Flinn Manuel, $205,000.00.
Derek Lane 111 by Katie Williams Henry, wife of /and Gerald Henry to Sarah Kathryn Timmons and Nakia Maurice Wide, $174,987.00.
239 E. 24th Street by Elroy L. Perilloux, Jr. to Raynell Mason Hampton, $15,000.00.
211 E. 12th Street by Mary E. Champagne Townson, nancy Champagne Caronna and Kathy Champagne Tassin to Troy Joseph Mayeux, $21,000.00.
Cedar Drive 166 by Harvey Charles Weber, David Joseph Weber, Philip James Weber, Melvin Thomas Weber, Brian Francis Weber and Doris Songy Weber to Barry James Triche and Charlene Rita Montz Triche, $190,000.00.
Dufresne Drive 108 by Alan Homes, Inc. to John L. Julien and wife, Anna M. S. Julien, (no dollar amount).
Lot 5, Square 16 measuring 57.25 feet front on Pheasent Street, 45.58 feet in width in the rear a depth of 140 feet on the side line adjoining lot 6, and a depth on the side line adjoining the drainage canal of 140.49 feet, by Moore Maintenance Service, LLC and Moore New Homes, LLC, Donation, property value at $7,000.00.
Lot 5 measuring 57.25 feet front on Pheasent Street, 45.58 feet in width in the rear, a depth of 140 feet on the side line adjoining lot 6 and a depth on the other side line adjoining the drainage canal of 140.49 feet by Moore New Homes, LLC to Winfield Anthony Strehle, III and Kimberly Triche Strehle, $7,000.00.