Great Spillway Classic set for July 22

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Sports Editor

The 20th Annual &#8220Great Spillway Classic Trail Run” is scheduled for Sunday, July 22 at the Bonnet Carre Spillway in Norco.

At three miles in distance, it is the second largest &#8220trail run” in the nation, and is the largest run or walk of any type held in Louisiana during the summer months. Over 1200 runners and walkers participate annually in the event.

&#8220It’s great because it’s different,” said Chuck George, Executive Director of the New Orleans Track Club. &#8220Most events like this take place on streets. This is one of the few anywhere that takes you through a trail. We wanted to make something different 20 years ago when we developed it, and people really enjoy it.”

The race will begin at 8 a.m., with registration opening at 7 a.m. Entry fees are as follows (Payable to the New Orleans Track Club): $20.00 for NOTC members pre-registered by July 14th; $22.00 for non-NOTC members pre-registered by July 14th; $25.00 for all entrants registered after July 14th through the day of the race; and $20.00 for a no t-shirt entry will be available on day of race.

There will be commemorative awards for all finishers. Also, there will be food and refreshments for all.

&#8220People come from all over Louisiana, and our border states,” George said. &#8220There are a lot of high school and track runners that run the race, so the competition is very good.”

Registration by mail should be sent to: NOTC, P.O. Box 52003, New Orleans, La. 70152-2003.

Physical locations for pre-registration include: Phidippides Sports, on 6601 Veterans Blvd.; GNO Cyclery at 1426 S. Carrollton Avenue; Arete Fitness Center at 618 Derbigny Street; and Body & Spirit Fitness Center at 2209 Lapalco.