Reserve fire confirmed suspicious by Fire Marshal

Published 12:00 am Monday, March 12, 2007


Staff Reporter

RESERVE- Lost memories and a lost sense of security is how one mother of six children described the loss of her home to a fire on Sunday.

&#8220There were so many things I had worked so hard my whole life to get in our home and now it’s lost. There were pictures of my kids and memories that can’t be replaced.” said Niasha King ,25 whose duplex was burned in the early morning blaze.

King’s home was the only occupied residence in the duplex. The other had been empty for some time.

King said she had worked hard to provide for her family and had recently purchased a computer for them, a long-standing dream of hers.

&#8220I had paid everything off except for my dryer. I finally felt safe and comfortable and now I have to start all over again,” she said.

The fire was one of two last week in the Reserve Oaks Housing Project. The other fire which occurred on March 1, 2007 was a fourplex that had been abandoned previously. No one was hurt in the fires but King says that her kids could easily have been if not for a family friend.

&#8220I usually leave the kids at home, but my neighbor’s cousin across the street had offered to watch them Saturday night as I was going to a party, and asked them if they wanted to go for a ride,” she said.

When police arrived on the scene, investigators determined that the two fires could possibly be arson,

Reserve Volunteer Fire Chief Glen Bourg said the door to the empty fourplex had appeared to be broken into, but it was not confirmed by fire marshals investigating the incident at this time.

Donald Carter, a representative of the state fire marshal’s office, said only that the marshal had confirmed that the fires seemed suspicious in nature.

The fires were the second and third suspected arson in the Reserve Oaks complex and the fourth in public housing units. The other arson fire was at the Garyville housing projects.

King said her neighbors informed her that the fire seemed to start near the couch by a socket that had been giving her trouble before the fire got out of control and spread into a rapid conflagration of flames.