Gun shots ring out in the night
Published 12:00 am Monday, February 26, 2007
Staff Reporter
RESERVE – Gunshots rang out through the night sky on Monday, after a standoff between two groups of men erupted into violence.
Witnesses reported seeing two groups of males gathering in the street and exchanging words on the 200 block of East 13th Street, according to Sgt. Dane Clement of the St. John Sheriff’s Office.
The men broke into an altercation and nearby residents heard gunshots just before the group dispersed. One man fled with a gunshot to his left shoulder and drove himself to River Parishes Hospital, Clement said.
Officers arrived at the scene minutes after the event and arrested two men in the neighborhood. Additional arrests were made later and more are to come, but to protect the integrity of the investigation police would not release the number of people involved.
“Because of the cooperation of residents in the neighborhood investigators are calling the incident successfully resolved,” said Clement.