Man stabbed in alleged self-defense

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, February 7, 2007


Staff Reporter

RESERVE – A Reserve woman allegedly stabbed her boyfriend in the chest out of self-defense Saturday, puncturing both his lungs, and left his lifeless body in the doorway of his mother’s home in Reserve.

Kenneth &#8220Buckethead” Duhe, 47, and Ashley Allen, 21, a couple for more than two years living together at Duhe’s mother’s house at 260 Homewood Pl., Reserve, began yelling at one another when Duhe grew jealous over assumptions that she was seeing another man, according to the St. John Sheriff’s Office.

The altercation reportedly carried out into the front yard, and quickly erupted into impassioned physical threats back inside the house.

Allen armed herself with a kitchen knife and tried to flee from the home when Duhe threatened her with a pair of needle nose pliers, but he stopped her at the front door. She drew back her arm and thrusted the knife into his chest, leaving his body crumpled in the doorway, according to the St. John Sheriff’s Office.

A resident in the neighborhood contacted police, who arrived at the home to find Ashley sitting the residence. She was brought in for questioning by St. John Police, who surmised the act may have been out of self-defense and later released her.

The St. John Sheriff’s Office plans to consult the District Attorney’s Office to request a grand jury hearing to determine if an arrest is warranted.

Allen claimed during questioning that Duhe was an abusive boyfriend who bit her on the back and right side of her face and pulled some of her hair out hours before the altercation.