A family affair at Reserve Christian

Published 12:00 am Monday, February 5, 2007


Editor and Publisher

RESERVE – After 37 years, the torch has been passed at Reserve Christian Church.

Longtime pastor Rod Aguillard officially stepped down from his position at the church this past Sunday in a ceremony that included many high profile pastors, as Stephen Aguillard took over leadership of the church from his father.

Rod Aguillard was 30 years old when he started pastoring Reserve Church, and coincidentally, his son is exactly 30 now that he is officially the new leader of the flock.

However Stephen Aguillard has been handling much of the church responsibility for several years, preaching on Sunday half of the time and working full time in the administrative office for years.

His father, now 67, has spent more and more time on the road as he has preached at other churches, and &#8220pastored other pastors” as he calls it.

Rod Aguillard said that little will change for him, as he remains very busy with other church leadership around the country.

&#8220Don’t even use the word retire,” he said with a laugh. &#8220This is the end of a chapter, but it’s the beginning of a new one. I still feel like I have a very important purpose in my life.

Not surprisingly, he said he will most miss &#8220fellowshipping with the people here. There is nothing greater than the love of Christ among believers. Leaving from this role is bittersweet for me since I love the body, and I know I have changed over the years to show much more grace than I did in my earlier years. We’re just a big family here and I know I’ll miss that, even though they won’t be able to keep me away.”

His wife Mary will continue to be principal at Reserve Christian School, while he travels much of the time &#8220mentoring about 20 pastors full time right now, and many others that I offer assistance to.”

As for his son taking over the pastorship, Aguillard was confident his son would do more than even he did in 37 years.

&#8220He has more of a pastor’s mantle than I did. He’s a great inspirational speaker and a tremendous preacher. I’ve learned things from him already and he has wisdom beyond his years. But I guess it has helped that he was raised around pastors all his life.”

Aguillard also had a big compliment for Stephen’s wife Laura.

&#8220Laura is a great wife, and a tremendous gift to the body here,”he said. &#8220Together I believe they will exceed what we have done here already.”

Reserve Church is in the process of building a large, new sanctuary that will seat 1,700. Plans call for the $3 million building to be completed and open to the public this fall.