More jobs seen for LaPlace area

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, March 15, 2006

One-third of companies to hire

LAPLACE — La Place area employers expect to hire at a strong pace during the second quarter of 2006, according to the Manpower Employment Outlook Survey.

From April to June, 30 percent of the companies interviewed plan to hire more employees, while the remaining 70 percent expect to maintain their current staff levels, according to Manpower spokesperson Joanne Cain.

&#8220In the LaPlace area, employers expect more hiring activity than in the first quarter when 20 percent of the companies interviewed intended to increase headcount, and 7 percent planned to decrease it,” said Cain. &#8220Employers are much more optimistic about hiring than they were a year ago when 13 percent of companies surveyed thought employment increases were likely and 7 percent intended to cut back.”

For the coming quarter, job prospects appear best in Construction, Durable and Non-Durable Goods Manufacturing, Wholesale/Retail Trade and Services. Hiring in Transportation/Public Utilities, Finance/Insurance/Real Estate, Education and Public Administration is expected to remain unchanged.

According to the national seasonally adjusted results of the Manpower Employment Outlook Survey, U.S. employers show no signs of changing their healthy hiring pace in the second quarter.

Of the 16,000 U.S. employers surveyed, 30 percent foresee an increase in hiring activity for the second quarter of 2006, while 6 percent expect a reduction in payrolls.

Fifty-eight percent report no change in hiring plans, and 6 percent have yet to determine their staffing needs.

The seasonally adjusted Net Employment Outlook for April – June is 21percent, according to Manpower.