St. John clerk cutting hours

Published 12:00 am Thursday, March 2, 2006


Staff Reporter

LAPLACE — The Acuri Courthouse in LaPlace will be making a few changes in the coming weeks to recover from the damage it received from fire.

Clerk of Court Eliana DeFrancesch said the Acuri Center will only be opened on court dates Mondays and Wednesdays.

&#8220It will be open three Mondays and two Wednesdays a month,” she said. &#8220For every thing else, like birth certificates and marriage licenses, residents will have to go to the Edgard Courthouse.”

DeFrancesch said she has talked with Parish President Nickie Monica about trying to get a space in the Percy Hebert building for one person with a computer and a desk for now, and then possibly a space to where the courthouse filings and deposits can always be made at the Percy Hebert building.

She also said due to the fire that took place on Feb. 22, changes will be made.

&#8220We are looking to add extra security cameras and a new burglary alarm system,” she said. &#8220We hope to have the cleaning and everything done by March 7, so things can get back on track. The Sheriff’s Office has been wonderful. They have been a great help in this whole process of getting more security for both the courthouses.”

Arson Supervisor Donald Carter with the Louisiana State Fire Marshall’s Office confirmed the fire that took place at the Acuri Center, was indeed arson.

The arson took place around 4 a.m. on Wednesday, when the person broke one of the courthouse glass doors in the front.

The person then went into the courtroom and proceeded by starting a fire by the judge’s chair and desk, then exiting out of the back door, according to Carter.

Carter said a videotape was retrieved from the Acuri Center, and the investigation is still ongoing.