Monsanto in Luling earns state environmental award

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, December 14, 2005

LULING — The Monsanto Luling Plant announced this week it had received three awards for environmental excellence from Gov. Kathleen Blanco in a ceremony at the state capitol on Aug. 15.

The awards, granted as part of the Louisiana Environmental Leadership Program, recognized the Luling facility for exceeding the government’s requirements for environmental protection. 

The Louisiana Environmental Leadership Program is a voluntary, cooperative effort between the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality and member companies, which is designed to encourage pollution prevention and environmental leadership throughout the state.

&#8220Communities and local governments that promote environmental improvements are helping to secure a cleaner Louisiana now and in the future,” said Governor Blanco. 

&#8220These projects reflect creativity, technical innovations, conservation of resources, enhanced efficiency and production.  Companies that institute voluntary pollution prevention and waste minimization programs show a willingness to be good neighbors.”

Including these three awards, Monsanto has received 10 Governor’s Environmental Leadership Awards since 1997, further demonstrating its commitment to managing operations for minimal impact on the environment. 

Other awards have included the 1998 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 6 Environmental Excellence Award, and selection as a Charter Member into EPA’s National Environmental Performance Track Program.

&#8220These awards from the Governor and the State of Louisiana are third party verification of the commitment to environmental stewardship shared at all levels of the Monsanto organization,” said Monsanto Luling Plant Manager Roy Breaud.