St. John sheriff gets federal loan

Published 12:00 am Monday, October 25, 2004


Staff Reporter

LAPLACE – For the second year in a row, the St. John the Baptist Law Enforcement District received a $1.5 million loan from the State Treasury Department to finance current operations.

Chief Civil Deputy Major Marcel Jaubert works for the financial department of the Law Enforcement District.

Jaubert said the line of credit recently issued will be used to finance various operations until proprety taxes become available in January.

“This is a loan we receive when we are low in cash. We will use this money for payroll and expenses,” said Jaubert.

According to Jaubert, there was not enough funds to make it through December.

“Costs for Insurance and payroll have expanded. Health care and benefit costs have increased. Things just cost more,” explained Jaubert.

Jaubert conveyed the department has an operating budget of $12 million.

The budget is used to finance operational costs which run from July 1 of the present year through June 30 of the following year.