Getting a servant’s heart
Published 12:00 am Friday, August 13, 2004
“Get High on Life” – Harold Keller
We were all created to love and serve God. How do we serve God? By serving others.
A servant-hearted attitude keeps us from having a self-minded attitude.
The Bible says that to be great among many, we must be a servant to all. The late Mother Teresa was the best example of this in my lifetime. She lived an exciting, holy life by serving others. She was respected by some of the most powerful people in the world. Why? Because she loved God and served Him by serving others.
I believe we all have a servant’s heart, but we let the cares and material things of the world interfere with being a servant. Most of us want to be served.
All of my life, I wanted to be successful, have a nice house, nice cars, maybe retire young, and be financially secure.
The past few years, God has allowed me to minister through “Get High on Life.” He has opened doors for me to share in jails, schools, civic organizations, industries and families. The pay is minimal, but the rewards are great!
Believe me, I don’t always have a servant’s heart, but a few weeks ago, I did.
Recently, on a visit to a juvenile detention center, I counseled with a young girl I had met two months earlier. She was 14 years old, weighed less than 85 pounds, and was very pretty. As we ended our conversation, I asked her if she needed anything. She humbly said, “I would like some writing paper, envelopes, and, Mr. Harold, can you bring me some shampoo and conditioner?” I agreed and said I would be back with the things she requested.
The following day, I really didn’t feel like driving to the center and certainly didn’t have the attitude of a servant, but I made the trip. The young girl seemed surprised that I kept my promise.
Tuesday, I received the following letter from her:
“Dear Mr. Harold,
Thank you very much for those items you brought me. I’ll be leaving here in a week and making my big move to Texas to live with my grandmother.
Mr. Harold, I really hope to stay in contact with you. I pray that my life will come together. I want you to know that you have made a big difference in my life. It’s impossible to explain how much.
Thanks for all you have done for me. You have showed me lots of love and caring, as well. Mr. Harold, thanks so much. As a child, my parents never showed me much affection, and I just want to say thanks so, so much.
No amount of money can compare with the feeling you have when receiving such a letter.
HAROLD KELLER writes this column as part of his affiliation with the Get High on Life religious motivational organization. Call 652-8477 or write to P.O. Drawer U, Reserve, LA 70084.