Bulldogs begin quest for two in a row

Published 12:00 am Friday, August 13, 2004

By GEORGE MAHL, Sports Editor

LUTCHER – “It’s time to separate the men from the boys,” is how Lutcher Head Football Coach Tim Detillier put it when asked about how his practices have been going so far. The Bulldogs began their quest for a second consecutive 3A state championship on Monday by working out in shorts on Monday and helmets and pads on Thursday.

One of the goals for Detillier during these practices is to finish what he could not finish during spring practice last April.

“I wanted to experiment with some different things during the spring, but did not get a chance. It also hurt us that we did not get to play a spring game because of the weather,” said the 2003 L’Observateur Coach of the Year.

“I plan on finishing those experiment’s during our practices this month.”

He admits, though, his team still “has got a few question marks.”

One of the things Detillier was impressed with was his voluntary off-season workouts, which were attended by several of his players.

“I gave them some time off if they wanted it. One day, I went in and saw of the players run and workout and was very pleased. In today’s society with all kinds of distractions, I think that says a lot about the guys,” Detillier explained.

“The guys are not afraid to do the extra work necessary.”

When asked if the bar had been raised because of the state championship, Detillier said jokingly,

“I guess we’ll find out when I go for it on fourth down and don’t make it.”

The videos from the 2003 championship season are still showing at Lutcher.

“The excitement is still in the community,” he said.

One of the thing’s the 13-year head coach said he is trying to emphasize to his players is that the 2003 season is history and it is time to move on.

“That was last year, this is this year.”

At this time a year ago, the Bulldogs appeared to be young. They had only 19 seniors on the roster and started off slow, losing their first three games.

Detillier described his team a year ago as “we’re greener than grass.”

Even with only 15 seniors on the team this year, the mood is different than in previous seasons.

“I can see a lot more confidence in our guys this year. I feel that we have some pretty good athletes.”

On of the things that has become a tradition for Lutcher is to scrimmage West St. John the week before the River Parishes Jamboree.

This year’s scrimmage is set for August 19 at 6pm at Lutcher.

“Coach (Laury) Dupont and I enjoy doing this every year.

I hate to say I was the first one to play a scrimmage on a Thursday, but I think I lot of the teams have followed our lead when it comes to playing a scrimmage on a Thursday,” Detillier said.