Try again on rehab center location

Published 12:00 am Friday, April 30, 2004

Letter to Editor


A drug rehabilitation center next to a recreation center and a future senior citizen home?

Somehow, not much thought was given to this idea when the St. John Parish Council approved a resolution by Nickie Monica to give three acres of ground in Reserve next to Regala Park for a drug rehabilitation center.

This was done by resolution which does not require prior notice to the council or the public, therefore not giving the council much time to think about the location and the effect it would have on our youth using the receation park and the senior citizens home that is to be located in the area.

I also wonder what effect it will have on the possibility of losing the veterans home that is proposed to be located near Regala Park.

I recognize this was meant to be a noble gesture and the parish should do all they can to assist in this project, but a more feasible site needs to be pursued.

I would recommend the old Second Ward High School, which is not near any home or playground. It has a gymnasium and cafeteria that could be updated with the grant monies that is supposed to be available. It has classrooms that could easily be converted into dorms.

It is a project that requires much thought and will take a lot of effort but will be worth the effort, if done correctly.

Ask your council member to reconsider and ask Mr. Harold Keller who made the proposal to give the public the complete feasibility study of his plan before proceeding further.

Arnold Labat
