Davis, Temple lead U-High to victory over West St. John

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, March 10, 2004

By GEORGE MAHL – Sports Editor

EDGARD – The West St. John Rams played a familiar foe in their quarterfinal playoff game Friday night. Just like in 2003, it was the University High Cubs, who are led by LSU signees Glen “Big Baby” Davis and Garrett Temple. The result of the game was also just like 2003- a loss for West St. John.

After three closely contested quarters, the Cubs pulled away from the Rams in the fourth quarter, outscoring them 32-17, leading U-High to a 67-46 victory and earning them a spot in the Top 28.

“I just thought tonight we got a little intimidated,” said West St. John Head Coach Antoine Edwards. “They did not have the desire in them out there.”

Davis led all scorers with 21 points, 18 of which occurred in the second half.

The Cubs began pulling away early in the fourth quarter. Leading 35-31, U-High started off on a 12-2 run to open its lead to 47-33 with 5:30 left in the game. Davis was four of four from the free throw line during the run.

Rams guard Josh Lumar broke the momentum by hitting a 3-point-shot to trim the lead to 11 with about five minutes left.

Down the stretch, however, it appeared West St. John was tiring. The Rams did not score a point for more than two minutes, which allowed the Cubs to score eight unanswered points. Davis’ put back gave University a 57-38 lead with 2:23 remaining.

Davis, who is 6-foot-9 and weighs 320 pounds, took over in the fourth quarter by scoring 16 points.

“I thought we did a good job of taking his (Davis’) position away early in the game. Everything they did we were prepared for,” Edwards said.

The first quarter had more turnovers than points. The Rams committed nine, while U-High committed 12. The Cubs led 9-8 at the end of the first quarter.

There were five lead changes and one tie in the second quarter.

After Sandy Harris sank a free throw tying the game, 13-13, the Cubs scored six points in a row to grab a 19-13 lead.

A three-point shot by Harris brought WSJ to within three, 19-16.

In the third quarter, the U-High lead grew as big as nine. A jumper by Temple gave them a 31-22 lead with 2:30 left.

Edwards was optimistic about the season, despite the loss.

“Not having as many practices like other teams have, to get this far is kind of amazing. I am proud of these kids.”

The Rams finished the season at 23-6. University will play in the semifinals this week.