Randy Madere graduates from the Fire Academy

Published 12:00 am Friday, January 16, 2004

Press Release

Recently Garyville Volunteer Fire Department attended the Fire Academy Graduation at LSU for its second member completing ten-week school, which is the longest in duration at FETI. (Fire and Em-ergency Training Ins-titute). Firefighter Randy Madere graduated and was presented with a gold watch with the fire department logo.

The Firefighter I and II 400 hours (commonly referred to as the recruit academy) cou-rse was designed for re-cruit firefighters, the school is taught under the same paramilitary chain of command used by today’s fire departments. Participants will re-ceive classroom in-structions and practical experience, along with vigorous physical fitness, and live fire training exercises.

The material covered in this school fulfills the requirements for FirefigherI and II as per the current edition of NFPA 1001, Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications.

The course covers hazardous materials training as per current edition on the NFPA 472, Professional Competence of Responders to Hazardous Materials Incidents at the Awareness and Operational Level. Also part of this class is devoted to fulfill the requirements for DOT State First Responder Curriculum.

The participants received extensive live fire training; this will provide them with hands-on training and experience that will assist in developing advanced skills in all aspects of firefighting.