A prayer offered by football players

Published 12:00 am Thursday, August 14, 2003

By Harold Keller

As the football season approaches, I’m aware of the importance most people place on a game. Some T-shirts will read: “Football is Life!” But it isn’t. It’s only a very small part of life that we are supposed to enjoy.

The following prayer is dedicated to every young man who will be a member of any football team.

“Football – The Game”

Dear God: Help me to be a good sport in this little game of football. I don’t ask for any special place in the lineup. Give the coach wisdom to play me where needed. I only ask that I can give you 100 percent of everything I have and, in doing so, the coach will be satisfied. If all the hard drives come my way, I thank you for the compliment. Help me to remember that you never send a player any more than he can handle.

And help me, Lord, to accept the bad breaks as part of the game. May I always play on the square, no matter what the others do. Help make me thankful for me.

Finally, God, if fate seems to be unfair to me during the season and I’m benched for any reason, help me not to whimper or squeal that the game was a frame-up, or that I got a raw deal. When parents and fans criticize the coach, give me gentle boldness in defending him as an authority. He will make mistakes as I will, but help our team to have one purpose in mind – doing the best we can with our God-given ability.

When the season is over, and the banquet is held, I don’t need any special recognition. I just want to feel that I’ve been a team player, not only of the football field, but also in the most important game – the game of life. My only desire is to please You and, in doing so, I’ll please my coaches and will be an influence to my teammates.

HAROLD KELLER writes this column as part of his affiliation with the Get High on Life religious motivational organization. Call 652-8477 or write to P.O. Drawer U, Reserve, LA 70084.