The Gray Line Tour: Concern over path

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, March 25, 2003


The new, paved walking paths along the East Bank of the Mississippi River in St. Charles Parish now have rules and regulations for their proper use, as approved by the parish council on Monday. Unaccountably, one provision was included to allow use of the path at all hours of the night. This could be dangerous.

Sheriff Greg Champagne, upon hearing of the amendment, expressed his own concern, saying that just because the path is open at night, doesn’t necessarily mean it’s safe.

To restrict use after certain late hours would make it easier for the sheriff’s deputies to enforce security regulations. That way, should someone be spotted on the levee during these late hours, they would have no business being there.

Especially during these days of homeland security awareness, and the very real chance of a terrorist jumping ship, with his eyes on the nuclear power plant or other industries, a restriction of time just makes sense.

Hopefully, this will be corrected soon.

LEONARD GRAY is assistant managing editor of L’Observateur. He may be reached at (985) 652-9545.