Council voted not anti-Norco

Published 12:00 am Friday, October 25, 2002

DEAR EDITOR: At its July 22 meeting, the St. Charles Parish Council took action on an agenda item concerning the East Bank hurricane protection levee pumps. After a spirited debate and public hearing, the ordinance passed, 5-4.

It has come to my attention that the council members who voted against this ordinance are being harshly criticized by some people for voting against “a pump for Norco.” I am writing this letter in the interest of fairness.

This ordinance involved a whole lot more than a pump for Norco, as a reading of the ordinance or a viewing of the meeting tape will show. No one there expressed a lack of concern for Norco; indeed, some who voted against it said they would support it if it was changed to reflect that it was one pump (for Norco).

The four council members who voted against this did so because they believed it to be in the best interest of the entire parish not to pass that particular ordinance. They do not deserve the sort of remarks that are being made.

There are many rumors floating around this parish, and with the election coming up next year, they will no doubt escalate. Some will be untrue, but will be believed; some will be true, but will not be believed. Most will not be provable. Some things, however, can be documented, as in the case of the levee pumps ordinance.

If you wish to see a copy of the ordinance, or a tape of the meeting, contact the council office, or call me, and I will see that you get them – and the truth shall set you free!

Thelma Schexnaydre