Insurance Insight: Long-term home protection is important

Published 12:00 am Saturday, September 21, 2002


The largest purchase most of us make is that of a home. Unfortunately, many homeowners neglect taking some of the basic steps that are key to the physical and financial protection of that asset.


Realize that regular, proactive maintenance adds years to the life of your home, as well as preventing damage to the contents that home.

This includes routine, but important actions such as – painting, weather stripping, inspections of structure, heating, and cooling systems, as well as routine maintenance and cleaning of those systems.

In short, take care of it. “Letting it go” is a terrible way to handle a major investment.


Keep good records of maintenance and repair work.

Retain copies of builder and contract-or warranties, as well as receipts and warranties of major purchases. Also, for insurance purposes, keep an up-to-date home inventory (in a separate location) of contents.

A current home inventory is extremely valuable in replacing contents in the event of a fire, flood, or major windstorm.


A wide variety of safety measures are useful for physically protecting your home’s contents – physically and financially.

This includes such as fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, deadbolt locks and security systems, and electrical surge protectors to name a few. Additionally, regular inspection and maintenance of various systems are part of an effective protection program.

Also, do not neglect acquiring proper insurance protection. A home should be insured to the proper “level” or value of the structure – including contents.

Many who rent, incorrectly assume the landlord’s policy will cover contents. If you rent, talk to your insurer about contents coverage. Do not skimp or skip insurance protection in order to save a few bucks.

It is just not worth the risk. You have invested a lot in your home. You cannot afford not to “pay attention” to detail for the long-term protection of it.

MIKE WILLIAMS is a State Farm insurance agent with an office in LaPlace.