GOOD EXAMPLES: Scouting keeps Brown young

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, August 6, 2002


RESERVE – Scouting is not just for the enjoyment of the youth. Regular den meetings, scout day camp, recreation, and play keep 63-year-old Floyd Brown busy and feeling young.

Brown, a lifelong resident of Reserve, has dedicated his retirement to the St. Peter Community Pack 316 and to his four grandchildren.

He keeps busy recruiting new scouts, heading fund-raisers, camping, planning trips, going to baseball games and riverboat cruises, and teaching recreational skills to children.

In June, Brown worked with local boys, instructing them on fishing and archery techniques at Cub Scout day camp, held at East St. John Elementary School.

“I really enjoyed myself with these kids. I felt like a 10-year-old again,” he said.

Brown serves as Assistant Scoutmaster for Pack 316 and said he enjoys spending time with the children and being a part of the scouts, an opportunity he did not have as a child. One of seven children, Brown was required to work with his father as a child. Then, as a working father of three, Brown said he was not able to spend much time with his own children.

Now, after 31 years as a Dupont mechanic, Brown can dedicate his days to his grandchildren and scouting.

Brown cares for his two grandsons, during the summer months while their parents work. During the school year, he volunteers to help the teachers at St. Peter Parochial School, where his grandchildren attend.

“I try to keep the community going,” Brown said. “And I try to keep the kids out of trouble.”

Brown got involved with the Cub scouts once his two grandsons joined. He asked if he could help and has remained involved ever since.

“They bought me a shirt and a hat and told me I was an assistant scoutmaster,” he said.

Brown seems to be a natural success. He was born early in an automobile accident and was the survivor of a duet – he and his twin. He spent five weeks in the hospital and survived. The chances were one in a million at that time, he explained.

His childhood was not easy, but you did what you had to do, Brown said. Stationed in France, Brown served in the Army from 1958-1960.

He married Dianna Ockmond of Vacherie 42 years ago and began his family of five. His children are Raymond Brown, Caren Owen, and Corey Brown. His grandchildren fill his time and have become his life. He currently awaits a fifth grandchild, who is expected to arrive this month.

Brown spends his time woodworking and is currently working on his family tree. He enjoys learning about his family and was pleased to discover that his great grandfather was a Confederate soldier in the Civil War and was captured in Bonnet Carre, now St. John the Baptist Parish.

He seems to be quite happy and continues to touch young lives. The boys had a wonderful time at the recent camp, Brown said.

“You have to be patient and show them love. They hug me, and I hug them back. They remember me for that,” Brown said.

Editor’s Note: On a semi-regular basis, L’Observateur will feature an article about a special River Parishes’ resident and the good works associated with the person.

If you would like to nominate someone, contact Robert Roan at 985-652-9545 or send an e-mail to