
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, June 12, 2002

The recent graduation of GED students at the Nelson Coleman Correctional Center near Killona illustrated the purpose of “corrections” in the best sense of the word. Here were young men who, for whatever reason, found themselves at odds with the law. Some are already serving sentences while others await their day in court. However, these young men, by participating in the GED program, took a step toward a positive future.

St. Charles Parish Sheriff Greg C. Champagne said it best: “If we bring people to jail and don’t do anything to make you better, we haven’t done society any good.”

The program allows inmates to earn a high school diploma, which then allows even further academic studies, as college-level courses are also available at the jail. Practically every study of the subject shows GED graduates behind bars sharply reduce their odds of ever coming back to jail, being better educated and better able to pursue a law-abiding life.

L’Observateur congratulates Sheriff Champagne, Supt. of Schools Dr. Rodney Lafon and the staff of the GED program, working to improve life for everyone.