School system to receive $1 million federal grant

Published 12:00 am Saturday, June 23, 2001


LUTCHER – It was announced at a recent St. James Parish School Board meeting that schools in the parish will be receiving $1,074,126 in federal money. Grant funds from the Improving America’s Schools Act, IASA, Titles 2, 4, and 6, will be received by all the schools, according to Frances M. Troxler, director of IASA federal programs. Title 2 and Title 6 funds will be used for system-wide professional development with an instructional focus, including teacher training. Title 4 funds are dedicated to drug and violence prevention, including instruction in conflict resolution, peer mediation, and crisis prevention. Title 1 funds will go to the St. James Center for Neglected and Delinquent Youth. This money, specially allocated for negligent and delinquent youth, will not take away funds from the St. James public schools. “The St. James Youth Center,” Troxler explained, “receives Title 1 funds to provide services for the students there.” A separate grant is devoted to reducing class sizes. “It will be used for the reduction of pupil-teacher rations to 20-to-1, specifically in kindergarten through third-grade classrooms,” Troxler said. “We use free or reduced-cost lunch count to decide which schools are most at risk. We have identified four at-risk schools: Romeville, Fifth Ward, Sixth Ward, and Lutcher elementary schools.” The funds will permit the hiring of three teachers to help in those schools. “Wherever they would benefit most from a small pupil-teacher ration,” she added. The school board also renewed its insurance policies with the agency of COREGIS, for automotive and general liability, including an increase of $51,000, and with the agency of Englade-Boudreaux, for property insurance, including an increase of $29,000. In other business, the board agreed to advertise for bids for air conditioning, roof replacement, track surfaces, food supplies and garbage service.