Straight Talk

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, May 23, 2001


Mothers deserve our recognition every day Two Sundays ago was Mother’s Day. I wrote an article on it, but I forgot to turn it in. I was going to write a new article, but then I decided I could keep my article the same. We should be thankful for our mothers every day. When you are young, you really like your mom. You think that she can do anything. Then, you go through a stage where you think you don’t need her. After stage, you realize that your mother is a wonderful person who would do anything for you. My mother is possibly the nicest woman in St. John the Baptist Parish. All of my friends like her, and they all talk to her. In fact, they all like to come over to our house on the weekends, because they know my mom doesn’t mind them. My mom has been through a lot. In 1992, she was diagnosed with leukemia. She went to Houston to get treated and I missed her dearly. Now I realize how serious the situation really was. My mom, and our entire family, thank God for letting her be with us. I realize this article comes late, but I hope it makes you realize your mother truly is a special person who loves you, cares for you, and wants the best for you. Her love and care for you is year-round and your appreciation for her should be year-round, too. If you have any questions or comments, write to me at P.O. Box 1493, LaPlace, La. 70069. GEOFFREY MICHEL, a local teen-ager, writes this column regularly for L’Observateur.