Get High On Life

Published 12:00 am Saturday, February 10, 2001


Grandchildren are a blessing – my prayers and wishes for mine

“Children’s children are the crown of old men…” (Proverbs 17:6) I thank God for the crown that He has blessed me with. All 15 of my grandchildren are very special to me, but I know they are even more special to God. My prayer for each one is that they will love and serve the Lord. Every morning, I lift each one up by name, asking God to protect them from all sickness, accidents and impurities. I know the power of God, but I have to admit that being human, I still worry about each one. Last week I woke up at 3:30 a.m. and couldn’t go back to sleep, so I decided to get up. As I looked at a group picture of my grandchildren, I started to pray and think of each one, individually. My prayer for Brandi, 18, my oldest, was to ask God to reveal to her how special she is to Him and for her to be able to forgive all the people who have hurt her, including me. Brandi has a servant’s heart, and that’s the secret to greatness. Amber, 18, in college – May she never lose her sweet spirit and always remember that the enemy to greatness is mediocrity. She will do a great work for the kingdom of God. Monique, 17, – Miss “Know It All.” Pretty sharp, very independent, never follows the crowd, a leader. She wants to enter the field of communications. She’ll do well. The Bible says that iron sharpens iron. She and I really sharpen each other. Kerri, 17, – I pray that Kerri (who is the spitting image of her dad) realizes that life is to live, and not just to exist, one day at a time. May she realize that always being on the go doesn’t mean you’re being productive. Take time to listen to God. Geoffrey, 15, in the 10th grade – I worry about him at times. I feel that he would like to move on to college. High school seems to be a bore. He’ll be a lawyer and, maybe, one day, he’ll know more than his grandfather, Charlie Michel will (if that’s possible). May he realize that if he doesn’t use the many gifts God has blessed him with, he’ll lose them. Brittany, 15, – a pretty sharp young lady. I ask God to give her more confidence in her dealings with lfie. May she always remember that being a child of God, she never has to settle for second-best. Mattie, 14, – one of a kind. Peculiar, independent, daring, ornery, you name it, Mattie is it. With all that, Mattie is going to be all right and she will enjoy life. Everybody loves Mattie, especially Jesus, and He has an exciting, perfect plan for her life. David, 12, – People think he is my favorite, but they are all my favorite. David has a soft and big heart. His favorite story is about David and Goliath. His favorite Bible verse is Philippians 4:13: “I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.” May he always believe that. Lauren, 11, – Like the battery – never quits, always on the move, loves acting. In fact, she thinks she’s on stage every day. She can get you dizzy. God, give her wisdom. Amanda, 9, – As carefree as any of my grandchildren. I pray that she will acquire a desire to read more. If the joy of the Lord is our strength, Amanda is strong. Kane, 9, – I call him “Dr. Keller.” Why? I don’t know, but I always did. He likes to learn but doesn’t like school. He is curious about everything, and in sports, he is mechanical. May he never lose his innocent, child-like spirit. Elise, 9, – Slept with Jeanne and I for a year while her mother was fighting leukemia. When a child sleeps between you and your wife for a year, you feel a special attachment to her. She whines a lot (getting a little better). Elise will be a great wife, mother and teacher. May she realize that she and God are a majority. Tiffani, 8, – As sweet and loving as any little girl I’ve ever known. She loves to read. Her favorite teacher is her next-door neighbor, Aunt Ronny. May her zest for learning never cease. Victoria Grace, 6, – Born after her mother had 15 rounds of chemotherapy in 11 months. A miracle – very observant, quick with the tongue, funny, loves her Mimi and loves life as much as anybody I’ve ever met. I pray that God will allow me to live long enough to see what He will do with her life. Kameron, 5, – I wanted to name him Karch, meaning, “king.” (That name would definitely fit his personality. His mother refused. I always call him “Papa John,” because I think he’s like his other grandfather, and that’s not bad. May he prosper as his soul prospers. I have to admit that not being able to sleep at 3:30 in the morning was a little aggravating, but the reward of just being quiet – praying, reflecting and projecting on the crown God has blessed me with – was good for my spirit. HAROLD KELLER writes this column as part of his affiliation with the Get High on Life religious motivational group.