Published 12:00 am Friday, November 10, 2000

Harold Keller / L’Observateur / November 10, 2000

My favorite hobby is just around the corner – Thanksgiving! It’s my favorite because it’s so healthy to reflect on our many blessings. We don’thave any jingles to sing, any commercials to endure, and any gifts to buy.

Just a day to be thankful, to look up, around, and within, and say, “Thank you, Lord!” It’s a time to look up and thank God for being our protector, our provider, and being in control of all our circumstances. It’s a time to look aroundand thank the Lord for our free country – so blessed, so unique. Just today,I was reminded by my friend, Duaine Duffy, how fortunate we are in America. He was referring to the presidential election. Still, as of thiswriting, undecided because of the closeness of the votes. He said that inany other country, people would be standing in the streets, maybe fighting, waiting to hear who would rule over them. It’s comforting toknow that regardless of the outcome of the election, God is still in control – the Supreme Authority. It’s a time to be thankful for family tiesand true friends – to look within and thank God for, oh, so many personal blessings that we often overlook.

Jeanne and I have been so blessed with God’s ministry of Get High on Life.

Laboring for the King of Kings is an exciting and rewarding life.

Thanksgiving is not only a time to reflect, but also a time to act in the gifts of the spirit – love, joy and peace. With that attitude of gratitude,the Get High on Life committee has decided to have a Thanksgiving breakfast on Friday, Nov. 17, at 7:30 a.m., at the Holiday Inn in LaPlace.The public is invited.

The theme of this year’s breakfast is “Trusting God and Loving People.” Itwill be a gathering of people who desire to be champions of Christ. GusKinchen, who is active in FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes), will be the speaker. He was a member of the 1958 LSU football nationalchampions. I’m sure that will impress some people, but more importantly,he is a member of God’s universal team, winning souls and discipling young people to be champions for Christ.

Mark your calendar – Friday, Nov. 17, 7:30 a.m. at the Holiday Inn. If youhave any questions, please call me at (504) 652-8477.

HAROLD KELLER writes this column as part of his affiliation with the Get High on Life religious motivational group.

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