Burl, Favor win races in St. John

Published 12:00 am Friday, November 10, 2000

LEONARD GRAY and DANIEL GOODEN / L’Observateur / November 10, 2000

While the world waited on who would be the 43rd president of the United States, the River Parishes decided early. St. James and St. John theBaptist parishes supported Al Gore, and St. Charles Parish voted forGeorge W. Bush.St. John ParishIn St. John Parish, the totals in the presidential election came to 9,745votes for Gore and 7,423 for Bush. Green Party candidate Ralph Naderreceived 164 votes, and Reform Party candidate Patrick Buchanan received 209 votes.

Here, Gore held a commanding lead in most council districts, especially on the west bank, where he led by almost a 10-to-1 margin, 2,301 to 391 votes over Bush.

In the District 2 area dominated by Garyville, Gore continued to hold sway with a lead of 1,572 to 933 votes over Bush. The District 3 region inReserve likewise voted overwhelmingly Democratic, with a total of 1,682 to 493 votes.

In the LaPlace area, split among four council districts, things got a bit more complicated. In the District 4 area of western LaPlace, the vote wasclose but with a slim Gore edge, 978 to 791 votes.

District 5, in the historically older section of LaPlace, Bush gained a 1,766 to 1,084 lead over the vice president. In the District 6 area ofcentral LaPlace, including the Cambridge region, Gore edged Bush by 867 to 564 votes.

Finally, in the Belle Terre area of north LaPlace of District 7, Bush led two-to-one over Gore, 2,168 to 1,052 votes. Precinct 12-B especiallyturned out for the Republican candidate, 1,173 to 489 votes.

Congressman Billy Tauzin added 7,116 votes to his winning bid for re- election, outdistancing his nearest competitors by a seven-to-one margin.

In the parish’s District 2, Albert A. Burl III edged Brent “Beno” Duhon inhis bid for justice of the peace by a total of 1,058 to 829 votes.

In the parish’s District 4 William “Bill” Favor edged Donald “Tyran” Williams in his bid for justice of the peace, by a total of 1,055 to 919 votes.

Of the proposed state constitutional amendments, proposition one failed here by a total of 7,213 to 3,055 votes; proposition two failed 327 to 201; proposition three passed 328 to 195; and proposition four failed 278 to 234 votes.

St. John Parish Clerk of Court Eliana DeFrancesch reported that 17,709 ofthe parish’s registered voters participated in the 2000 elections.

St. Charles ParishIn St. Charles Parish, the totals came to 11,824 votes for Bush and 8,862for Gore. Nader received 215 votes and Buchanan received 181 votes. The “country club” voters of Ormond and Willowdale poured out for Bush, while other parts of the parish, for the most part, supported Gore.

In District 1, dominated by Hahnville, Killona and parts of Luling, Destrehan and Boutte, support was overwhelming for Gore. There, theDemocratic candidate outpolled Bush 1,763 to 976.

In District 2, including Ama, part of Luling (including the Willowdale area) and part of Destrehan, Bush supporters turned out just as vigorously, outpolling Gore 2,197 to 1,084 votes.

District 3, which includes most of Destrehan (dominated by the Ormond area and includes part of New Sarpy, Bush supporters were out to thunder past Gore by a margin of 2,700 to 849 votes.

In District 4, including Paradis, Des Allemands, Bayou Gauche and part of Boutte, the margin was slim, with Bush edging Gore 1,263 to 1,141 – a difference of 152 votes.

District 5, dominated by the St. Rose area, saw Gore pull into a 483-votelead, 1,484 to 1,001 votes.

District 6, including Norco, Montz and part of New Sarpy, likewise saw vote total changes, with Gore leading 1,429 to 1,377. Earlier totals were1,373 to 1,220 in Gore’s favor.

Finally, District 7, which includes much of Luling and Mimosa Park, saw Bush take a decisive lead, 1,891 to 977 votes.

Tauzin carried St. Charles Parish in his successful bid for re-election,adding 121 votes to his earlier announced total of 10,357 when the machines were opened, leading 10-to-1 over his nearest competitors, Edwin Albares and Anita Rosenthal.

Three of the proposed state constitutional amendments failed to pass.

Amendment One failed 10,639 to 3,844; Amendment Two failed 9,617 to 4,993; Amendment Three passed 8,046 to 6,787; and Amendment Four failed 10,307 to 4,234.

St. Charles Parish Clerk of Court Charles Oubre Jr. said election day ransmoothly. “No problem at all,” he added. Voter turnout was high, with 70.8percent coming to the polling places, or 21,510 of the parish’s 31,128 registered voters.

St. James ParishSt. James Parish knew almost two to one who it wanted for president.Gore received 6,523 votes compared to 3,813 votes cast for Bush.

In some areas of Gramercy, Lutcher and Paulina, Bush ran neck-and-neck and sometimes ahead of Gore. In District 3, Precinct 9, which covers mostof northern Grand Point, the votes were 426 to 194 in favor of Bush. In South Vacherie, Bush ran over 100 votes behind in both precincts,which combined brought 959 votes for Gore.

Votes were highly in Gore’s favor upriver of College Point on both sides of the river. In the Convent-Union area near the Sunshine Bridge, District 4,Precinct 12 recorded 327 to 86, for Gore.

Across the river in St James, District 5 and its three precincts voted in favor of Gore, 1128 to 202.

Also on the west bank in the largest precinct in St. James Parish, District6, Precinct 16, the votes went for Gore. Precinct 16, which covers fromthe river to La. Highway 3127 and from the parish line to La. Highway 20,voted 881 to 205 for Gore as president.

The Reform Party followed as a distant third, with 180 votes for Buchanan. Following Buchanan came the Constitution Party with 100 votesand the Green Party with 61.

Incumbent Rep. Billy Tauzin was re-elected, with 4,466 votes from St.James Parish. Albares followed with 928, Rosenthal brought 589 andBourque had 432.

In the Lutcher District 2, Division B, Alderman election Jason Amato won out with 644 votes. Carl Vicknair trailed behind with 527 votes. Amatowill take over for Wendy Peytavin who was appointed to fill the position after the passing of Buddy Witney.

All the amendments failed to pass. Amendment One failed 4,332 to 1,966;Amendment Two failed 4,078 to 2,282, Amendment Three failed 3,441 to 2,912 and Amendment Four failed 4,304 to 1,805.

Clerk of Court Edmond Kinler Jr. stated that the voting went verysmoothly, with citizens arriving evenly throughout the day. Out of 14,736registered voters, 10,583, or 71 percent, turned out to cast their vote.

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