Watch children and keep safe

Published 12:00 am Saturday, October 28, 2000

L’Observateur / October 28, 2000

Halloween is upon us, and the ghosties, spooks and hobgoblins will be taking to the streets, knocking door-to-door in the dusk of the day, laughing, running and looking for that house with the very best treats.

Drivers, especially those in the residential neighborhoods, need to take extreme care and caution. No one wants to face the very real nightmare ofa child injured or killed by carelessness.

Deputies will be patrolling the streets, looking to stem any possible destructive “tricks” and the children will be cutting across yards and streets, many of them young and heedless of oncoming traffic. Let’s alltake special care out there.

It’s also a good time to remind adults and teen-agers wanting to be adults that it’s not smart to over-indulge in alcohol. It sets a poor example toyoung children and could land you in a peck of trouble if you lose your temper or get on the road. Common sense will prompt good behavior.Finally, it’s also the waning days of absentee voting for the presidential election. We urge every qualified and registered citizen to vote.All of this is just part of being a good, sane, responsible citizen.


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