Hymel discusses mill reduction

Published 12:00 am Saturday, September 9, 2000

DANIEL TYLER GOODEN / L’Observateur / September 9, 2000

CONVENT – St. James Parish President Dale Hymel Jr. again explained the newmillages during a public hearing before the regular council meetingWednesday.

The .36 mill overall reduction will reduce the amount of taxes paid bycitizens. As more people move into the parish, or their property valueincreases, the tax is spread out through more people, resulting in lessproperty tax required for residents, he said. People who will be paying morein property tax this next year are those who are new to the parish or havehad property values increase.

In other news: District 5 was voted exempt from paying the fees or deposits required byordinance 00-14. District 5 have been paying a millage since the 1970’s thatis used toward the repair and upkeep of their parks. Councilman JamesMitchell requested the exemption after his constituents brought the factthat they were paying twice for the same service to his attention, he said.

The council authorized Hymel to enter into an agreement with WasteManagement of South Louisiana. The agreement renews the parish’s currentcontract with only a 30 cent increase in fees to its residents for wasteremoval.

The council authorized Hymel to advertise and receive bids for theconstruction of ballpark fencing for the girls softball field in Lutcher.

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