Around Town

Published 12:00 am Saturday, September 9, 2000

L’Observateur / September 9, 2000

St. John CASA Services, Inc. begins its fall 2000 volunteer training Oct. 23at River Parishes Hospital.

Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) is a volunteer agency that workswith social workers and attorneys who are overloaded with cases of abusedand neglected children.

Individuals interested in becoming a CASA caseworker must complete anapplication and go through a screening process including a background check.

They must also attend training with social workers, attorneys, lawenforcers, psychologists and local judges. Volunteers must be 21 years ofage of older unless attending a college or university, majoring in the field ofsocial work, criminal justice or business administration.

Volunteers musthave a high school diploma or GED and enjoy working with children.

Applications will be accepted on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10 a.m. to4 p.m. at the CASA office, 1212 Louisiana Highway 44 at East Seventh St. inReserve.

For more information call Druhetta Borne at 536-1732 or

Albert Cammon Middle School in St. Rose is implementing the HOSTS (HelpOne Student to Succeed) program into its eighth-grade classes in October.

Volunteers are needed for this highly successful program involving studentsbeing helped by mentors, one-on-one, to improve their skills and get up tograde level. Volunteers usually give one hour per week to mentor students.

Mentors meet with the same student each time they come to school, at aregular time convenient for them.

Businesses across the state and country participate in the HOSTS programby giving their employees work-release time or extended time for lunch sothey are able to mentor without losing time or money.

Community organizations endorse the HOSTS program and encourage theirmembers and others to sign up as mentors.

The HOSTS program is beneficial in a number of ways – by helping studentsnow so they can succeed later, keeping students in school who are at risk ofdropping out, helping volunteers understand more about local schools andyoung people and by giving volunteers a good feeling about being a valuableservice to their community. Many students and mentors also develop long-lasting friendships.

Anyone who is interested in becoming a HOSTS mentor should call KimBourgeois at 467-3730 for language arts or Irene Stanfill at 463-0537 formath.

The St. Charles Women’s Club is now accepting new members. Members arenot required to be residents of St. Charles Parish.

The club, a non-profit civic and social organization dating back to 1966,offers many volunteer opportunities for members to be of service to thecommunity.

A new members coffee social takes place Sept. 14 from 10 a.m. to noon atthe home of Theresa Loving at 605 Willowridge Drive in Luling. Forreservations call Candace Kissee at 431-7811.

The club meets on the third Thursday of each month from 9-11:30 a.m.

(Sept. through May) at the First Union Presbyterian Church, 134 LakewoodDrive in Luling. The first general meeting of the new year is Sept. 21.

Babysitting is required and is available by reservation; call Theresa Loving at785-7962 or Candace Kissee at 431-7811.

Visit the club’s website at

Riverlands SPCA is looking for craft items for its craft sale on Oct. 21, from9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at 337 Lemoine Drive in LaPlace. Item donations will help theSPCA to raise money for its spay program for homeless animals and for theferal cat assistance program and are tax-deductible. For donation pick up orto volunteer, call 652-SPCA, Monday through Friday from 3-6 p.m.

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