Mentors needed for Glade program

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, August 30, 2000

ERIK SANZENBACH / L’Observateur / August 30, 2000

LAPLACE – The Glade School is seeking volunteers to be mentors in its highly-successful mentoring program called HOSTS.

HOSTS which stands for Helping One Student To Succeed, is in its second year at Glade School, and its success is due to the participation of local volunteers.

HOSTS is a nationally recognized program that personalizes math education. Volunteer mentors are teamed up with a student who needshelp with math. The mentor not only tutors the student but also tries tomake a difference in the student’s life.

Head of the HOSTS program at Glade School, Lois Duhe said, “For many students today, learning requires more than what the typical classroom setting can provide. Some students, for whatever reason fall behind theirpeers and are at risk of failing or even dropping out of school.”The HOSTS program is there to intervene and help these students by giving them extra attention and encouragement from the volunteer mentors.

Duhe said, “Any person who can read, follow instructions and enjoys working with children is qualified to be a HOSTS volunteer.”The volunteers are required to attend an orientation session for information and training. Throughout the year volunteers are guided byspecific lesson plans, and teachers are there to help them should there be any need.

Most HOSTS volunteers work an hour a week. Schedules are arranged withthe volunteers so they are assured of working at a specific time on a regular basis. The program is designed to fit busy schedules and allowsthe volunteers to establish a committed relationship with they student they are mentoring.

“The benefits for students is immense,” said Duhe. “Volunteers in theHOSTS program play a vital role in increasing student achievement and self esteem.”Anybody interested in volunteering to mentor a student at Glade School should call the school at 652-2003 or 652-5935 and ask for Lois Duhe.

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