Published 12:00 am Saturday, July 1, 2000
Leonard Gray / L’Observateur / July 1, 2000
Enough with all this rain already! I know, I know. We went though several dry weeks and we all watched theground crack and we wondered how we may get through hurricane season, because if an early storm swept in, we’d be literally sunk.
With the ground as hard as concrete, hurricane-related floodwaters would simply drown us all and that would be that.
Predictions are for several named storms and possibly three major ones this season. Get your plywood, batteries, medicine and bottled waterready, folks.
Well, we’ve had some good afternoon showers and thunderstorms in the last several days, and we’ve all gotten a good soaking and hopefully the tomatoes, squash and watermelon are happy.
We’re just in time for the Fourth of July and maybe this will keep down the fireworks.
I know that I was tired of watering my brown and dying lawn, and I’m almost glad to be back to the lush, green, thick grass clogging up my lawnmower blades again.
The old, old saying in Louisiana is if you don’t like the weather, wait a few minutes and it’ll change. We’ve certainly had enough days like that inthe past couple of weeks.
The mornings have been hot and clear. By the early afternoon, massive darkclouds have built up and by the time I knock off work, I’m dashing to my truck because I left the umbrella in it again.
I have a theory about umbrellas – they’re almost utterly worthless.
You step outside, open the umbrella and dash for your vehicle. By the timeyou unlock your door, lower the umbrella, stash it inside and get in yourself, you’re just as drenched as you might have been if you had simply dashed for the car and jumped inside.
And again, if you’re in a car and you arrive in a downpour, by the time you get the umbrella, open the door, and open the umbrella, you’re likely already drenched anyway.
Most people seem to have a real problem when they get wet and try to avoid it at all costs. They hold newspapers over their heads (not a goodidea) or huddle under jackets (not very effective), trying to avoid even a few drops to hit their hair.
To me, it’s just easier to keep a towel at most or a handkerchief at least to wipe down once I’m in the truck. Anyway, I’d much rather deal withthat, than with being infernally hot and sweating.
It’s almost funny. I’ve lived in south Louisiana for 38 years and have nevergotten accustomed to the heat. I really, really, really hate being hot. Imuch prefer winter. I bundle up and I’m OK.Of course, I’ve never had to deal with a real winter, with heavy snowfalls, snow plows, snow drifts and sub-freezing temperatures.
Getting back to the rain, there’s also another solution.
I just try to run between the raindrops. It never works but I always like togive it a try.
Hey, you never know…
LEONARD GRAY is a staff reporter for L’Observateur.
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