St. James may be justly proud of this program

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, April 18, 2000

L’Observateur / April 18, 2000

It’s more than just an encouraging sign of better times ahead. It’s apositive message that at least one generation may finally get it right.

“One Step from the Edge,” a production presented by the St. James TheatreProgram under the guidance of Elvis Cavalier, left audiences with a renewed hope that children look at such issues as war, the environment, technology, multi-culturalism and racial relations with a fresh, positive viewpoint untainted by the mistakes of the past.

That message found its mark in the student production and did it so well its message went on tour at St. James Parish’s high schools and inThibodaux.

Speakers, dancers and singers united to keep audiences enthralled for two hours, marveling at the messages and the talent of the students.

One of the messages imparted is that the Mississippi River, rather than being a political line of separation, is actually a unifying force that binds the parish into a whole instead of two separate pieces. It has only been inlatter years the river came to be seen as a dividing line, pitting one side of the parish against the other in competition rather than cooperation.

This production, for many students, changed that view.

As director of student programs for St. James Parish Schools, Cavalierhas quickly made his mark in bringing the schools into the communities as a highly-visible and shining example of what our students have to offer in the way of hard work, dedication and talent.

“One Step from the Edge” involved 328 students from across St. JamesParish. Earlier this school year, “Making the Connection” opened the eyesof students as to opportunities in local business and industry.

This summer Cavalier will extend his influence to many more students with River Camp 2000, aimed at connecting children and their local environment.

The thrust of the camp will be to educate children to what could be the greatest world concern of the 21st Century – the environment – and what each one personally can do to affect that future.

We congratulate Cavalier for his accomplishments in the St. James SchoolSystem and encourage the system to keep this talented educator and administrator in its fold.

St. James Parish may be rightfully proud of its children, and we hope otherparishes invite future productions of this program to their schools and inspire similar efforts among their own students.

Our children are, after all, the future.

– L’Observateur

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