LaPlace Jaycees seek charter members

Published 12:00 am Sunday, December 5, 1999

L’Observateur / December 5, 1999

DEAR EDITOR: We commend the efforts of the Baton Rouge Jaycees (Junior Chamber of Commerce) to improve the quality of life in the surrounding communities of East Baton Rouge Parish and for its development of past and future community leaders.

While improving the quality of life in East Baton Rouge Parish, the Baton Rouge Jaycees provides its male and female members age 21-39 with opportunities for leadership development, volunteerism and community service.

The United States Jaycees has devoted itself to providing leadership, rendering services and returning benefits to the community “100 fold” in a variety of endeavors.

It has contributed to such humanitarian projects as assistance with the elderly, fund raising for the disadvantaged, specialized care for children and countless other efforts to address community needs.

The Jaycees organization has adopted the basic tenets of purpose, fellowship, free enterprise, government of laws, human personality and service to humanity.

We encourage those individuals or companies who are interested in improving the quality of life in St. John the Baptist Parish to participatein the re-formation of a new LaPlace Jaycees chapter. Please join theBaton Rouge Jaycees in their efforts to help our parish stimulate community service activism. The current United States Junior Chamber ofCommerce National President, Chris Reese, will be in LaPlace for this special event.

This open meeting will be held at the Holiday Inn in LaPlace at 3900 Main St. (phone 652-8209), starting at 7 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. this comingMonday, Dec. 6. If you are interested in attending to find out more about becoming a member of a newly re-chartered LaPlace Jaycees, please RSVP by Monday, Dec. 6, at noon, to Delton Arceneaux at 652-9173 or 652-5772, or bycalling Jimmy Simm, president of the Baton Rouge Jaycees, at 1-225- 295-3240.

Reservations are required to determine the quantity of light hors d’ouvres and refreshments.

We hope to have a newly-formed Jaycees chapter in our parish to provide young adults in and around our community the opportunity to “give something back.”

Delton ArceneauxLaPlace

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