Rams roll past Fisher

Published 12:00 am Saturday, October 30, 1999

DANIEL TYLER GOODEN / L’Observateur / October 30, 1999

EDGARD – West St. John’s Rams hooked Fisher with a 47-12 win Fridaynight, outclassing their opponents in nearly every category.

Carl Gauthier contributed two touchdowns to the Rams’ cause to lead the scoring rally.

Gauthier scored first on a 1-yard run in the opening period, with Brian Lumar posting the PAT for a 7-0 lead. Gauthier then capped that effortwith a 17-yard TD run, with a Lumar point-after for a 14-0 lead.

Jeremy Lumar added his 15-yard pass reception for the third TD of the game, however, this time Gauthier’s kick failed, leaving West St. Johnwith a 20-0 edge. Finally, Orlando Comminie scored on a pass interception,returning it 20 yards for the touchdown. Again, the PAT kick failed, andWest St. John led 26-0.That was the first quarter.

Next, Ashton Pierre scored on a 1-yard run to edge the score to 32-0. Atwo-point conversion pass missed. Then, it was Norman Strickland’s turnto score from eight yards out. This time, Lumar’s PAT kick was good andthe Rams rumbled into the halftime break, sitting on a 39-0 lead.

The third quarter’s highlight was Lumar’s 60-yard pass reception for the touchdown from Gauthier. Donriel Lewis bashed in for the two-pointconversion and West St. John settled for a 47-0 lead going into the finalperiod.

During the last quarter Fisher’s scoring began. Ryan Bundy scored from 18yards out, and Gerald Victorano scored from 10 yards out. Both PATattempts failed and Fisher had to settle for a 47-12 loss.

The Rams led on first downs with 11-6. Net rushing yards were 125 forthe Rams and 87 for Fisher. Net passing yards were 173 for West St. Johnand 15 for Fisher.

West St. John did have its sloppy stats, with two fumbles, both lost, and110 yards lost to 12 penalties. However, with eight pass completions in13 attempts, the Rams made up for it, matched by its rushing stats.

Fisher, on the other hand, lost but 15 yards to three penalties. Yet, theycoughed up five fumbles, and three interceptions.

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