Ladycats top volleyball Tigers

Published 12:00 am Saturday, October 30, 1999

DANIEL TYLER GOODEN / L’Observateur / October 30, 1999

Tuesday’s varsity volleyball match against Hahnville ended in victory for Destrehan. The Ladycats won 2-1 against their opponents, pullingthemselves up from a loss in the first game to tie the second and take the third for the win.

The first match started quickly with Hahnville leading off, 2-0.

Destrehan, eager to pull ahead, tied at 4-4 and moved on. Hahnville stayeda step behind the Ladycats until close to the end of the match. The teamstied at 7-7, 9-9, and 11-11, making the first match a very intense battle for both the players and fans. At 11-9 Hahnville took control of the match,winning 15-11.

The second match began with Destrehan taking the ball and not looking back. The Ladycats pulled ahead 5-0 and kept the margin wide until theysettled out at 14-6. In an attempt to take the game despite the 7-pointlead, Hahnville rallied with a consistent string of points until Destrehan’s Terry August finally served the final score at 15-9.

Tied 1-1, the gymnasium seemed to constrict as the excitement and energy of the players and fans grew. Destrehan again took the initial leadwith 3-0 while Hahnville pushed to overtake them. The teams tied a 7-7. Hahnville seemed the likely win, controlling their volleys well and setting up some very powerful spikes. Destrehan scrambled quickly in return andboth teams fought hard, keeping the score within a point.

Tied again at 10 and then at 12, the fans rocked the bleachers, roaring in excitement. At 12, the Ladycats began to pull ahead a point and a side-outat a time.

Finally at 15-12, after a series of fast volleys across the net, DHS slowed the pace down and with a well placed set by Jessica Johnson, Atina Porter shot a hard spike over the net to make the last point and take the win.

In a game where Hahnville seemed often at the edge of victory, with great teamwork and control over their sets, Destrehan kept its cool and answered with points to win a great match, 2-1.

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