Adams, Deslattes plan to marry on Nov. 5

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, October 27, 1999

L’Observateur / October 27, 1999

Kenneth and Janis Adams of Gonzales announce the engagement of their daughter, Kiley Jo Adams, to Dominic Joseph Deslatte, son of Harrington Jr. and Beverly Deslatte of St. Amant.The bride-elect is a 1997 graduate of St. Amant High School. She ispresently employed by NES/Plank Company in Gonzales.

The groom is a 1995 graduate of St. Amant High School. He is presently inthe United States Navy, stationed at May Port Naval Base in Jacksonville, Fla.

The wedding is scheduled for Nov. 5 at Stage One in Baton Rouge.

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