Ebb and Flow

Published 12:00 am Monday, October 18, 1999

DEBORAH CORRAO / L’Observateur / October 18, 1999

As I write this, it’s been exactly a week since my surgery. There were afew unexpected complications, but everything went pretty well. I’m stillnot quite ready to go back to work yet, but I’m feeling a little better every day.

Just don’t make me laugh.

It has certainly been one of those life-changing experiences. I’ve been lucky, I guess, that I never had to have surgery before. I’m not the world’s best patient. I’m sure there are a few nurses at East Jefferson who may think I’m the worst. I don’t feel guilty about it. I deal with things the only way I know how, and I don’t go gently.

For one thing, I have a giant needle phobia. I will do just about anything to avoid getting a shot. I can’t explain it. For the past several months I have had to have a lot of blood work done. It never got any easier.Well, try to get through five days in a hospital without a shot. I can proudly say that, except for the IV to put me to sleep and the shot they sneaked on me while I was under anesthetic, I managed to get through the experience with no other injections. I had to be pretty creative, but it worked.

I don’t expect people who are trained to administer injections to be empathetic with people like me. They can’t understand us at all.Other than that, I’m recovering quickly thanks to the good care I got from all the medical people and my family. I plan on taking the time I need to get well with no setbacks.

I want to thank all of my angels who have been praying for me (you all know who you are). I love you very much.Back to Top

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