SCC complete season sweep of Lady Rebels

Published 12:00 am Monday, October 11, 1999

MICHAEL KIRAL / L’Observateur / October 11, 1999

RESERVE – St. Charles Catholic completed its season sweep of RiversideTuesday afternoon, taking a 15-12, 15-13 victory in the Rebel gym.

St. Charles Catholic improved to 13-6 overall while Riverside fell to 6-10.

St. Charles Catholic took a 4-2 in the first game as Sarah Weber servedconsecutive aces. Riverside came back to take a 6-5 lead on an ace and akill by Jennifer Guidry. After St. Charles Catholic went ahead 7-6 on a killby Cristin Clement and a lift against the Lady Rebels, Riverside scored the game’s next five points on five Lady Comet errors.

St. Charles Catholic began pulling back into the game on a kill by Weber. Aserve later, an ace by Weber and kills by Clement and Nicole Scontrino gave the Lady Comets a 12-11 lead. An ace by Scontrino made it a two-point game. After an error brought the Lady Rebels to within 13-12, theLady Comets got the game winner on two Riverside errors.

Riverside jumped out to a 4-2 lead in the second game on an ace by Kelly Louque and a kill by Guidry. Five service changes later, St. CharlesCatholic tied it at 4 on kills by Scontrino and Katie Arcuri. Kills byScontrino and Clement three serves later gave the Lady Comets a 7-4 lead.

Riverside came to within 7-6 on two Lady Comet errors before a block by Clement made it a 9-6 game.

Riverside then went on a 4-0 run behind two Lady Comet errors and two kills by Amie Graugnard to take a 10-9 lead. After a kill by Clementregained the lead for St. Charles Catholic, two Riverside errors and a dinkby Heidi Richard gave the Lady Rebels a 13-11 advantage. After a kill byArcuri gave the Lady Comets the serve back, Marci Martin delivered a serve to make it 13-12. Following kills by Graugnard and Scontrino, a killby Scontrino gave the Lady Comets a 14-13 lead. Arcuri then delivered anace for the match winner.

Weber had two aces for the Lady Comets. Clement had a game-high 10 killsand also provided top defense for the Lady Comets with five blocks.

“We could have played better,” St. Charles Catholic coach MichelleDearmitt said. “We had a lot of effort and hustle but we were not on top ofour game. We are kind of on a roller coaster right now.”Louque and Guidry each had an ace for the Lady Rebels. Guidry alsoprovided top defense while Graugnard had seven aces.

“I’m more pleased with today than I was with the last time,” Riverside coach Gina Centanni said. Riverside lost at St. Charles Catholic, 15-3, 15-5, in September. “It’s better than it has been. We might be on our way up.Offensively, we are struggling. We need more work on our passing. That’sour key problem. But hopefully, this will be a spark for us. They are a verygood team and we stuck with them this time.”

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